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I got these around 2001 from California Cactus Center in Southern California. Most people now consider this to be a form of T. pachanoi, but I like to stick with the old name of T. peruvianus short spine monstrose. As you can see on the column in the back, after several years quite long spines can develop on the old growth.
The plant is also capable of amazing cristate growth, as seen below. There's less than two years between when I first noticed the column turning cristate on 5/15/12 and when I took the selfie below on 4/25/14. That cristate column also grew from 2.5' to 6' over those two years!
Ive obtained one of these at my local nursery. I find this particular clone to be quite interesting traits. It looks pachanoi but later throws rather long spines. I think this particular clone was also for sale at the Huntington. A semi monstrous labeled peruvianus, that throws longer spines in full sun.